the felt sense logo, a hemisphere with ornate border and lotus in the center

Theresa Murphy


Movement and Stillness Practices

infant to elder (and everything in between)

Theresa reclining in lotus


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Photo of Theresa Murphy with sparkling lights in background
  • Somatic Movement Educator - BMC®
  • Infant Developmental Movement Educator - BMC®
  • Accredited Yoga Therapist - IAYT
  • Endorsed Insight Yoga Teacher & Mentor - Sarah Powers
  • Senior Prajna Teacher - Tias Little
  • Registered Yoga Teacher ERYT-500 - Yoga Alliance
  • Registered Yoga School 200 & 300 - Yoga Alliance
  • Registered Continuing Education Provider - Yoga Alliance
  • Co-Owner of Sonder Movement Project, a licensed org of The School of Body-Mind Centering®

The Felt Sense is how I describe what it's about.  It's how it feels. It's how the body and mind are the same.  It's about hearing the body-mind's unique language.  It's about the mind of the body and the body of the mind.  It's how to know how to move, how fast, how strong, in what direction, what style, or to move at all!   It's Yoga practice, it's meditation, it's somatic movement, it's an attuning to what's happening inside us, as it's happening, and responding appropriately.  It's embodiment of our life-force.  It's living skillfully, sensitively, and wholeheartedly.  It's also however you might describe it.

It's in the felt sense of one's self.  The inner knowing, the original knowing, from the cells of the tissue themselves that are all a part of making one whole.  Knowing that's not just from the brain, but from the wisdom of the integrated whole.  No system, no teacher, no technique has it all. Only the person experiencing the moment knows.  

In teaching, my deepest intentions are to expand minds, open hearts, and be a catalyst for discovering the wisdom and wonder of an embodied life – to support others in recognizing and trusting The Felt Sense.

My classes and workshops draw from a wide and eclectic range of approaches to practice, including soft somatic work, intentional sequencing, long, sustained holds in poses, rigorous vinyasa, therapeutics, yin yoga, breath-work, individualized alignment, unstructured movement, anatomy study, wisdom teachings, meditation, sounding, and open exploration of physical and mental awareness. I have taught over 30,000 hours of group classes, workshops, and teacher trainings, surpassing Yoga Alliance's standards for it's highest accreditation as an E-RYT-500, and lead 200 and 300 hour Yoga Alliance accredited teacher trainings.  I am a Yoga Therapist accredited through the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), and have spent thousands of hours working therapeutically with private clients since 2002.  Most recently, 2023, I graduated from The School of Body-Mind Centering's® Somatic Movement Educator (SME) & Infant Developmental Movement Educator (IDME) programs.

​I began practicing Yoga in 1989, and have been teaching since 1998.  My early years of practice and teaching were devoted to vigorous vinyasa and hot yoga practice.  During this time, I studied with Rolf Gates and assisted him at his vinyasa workshops.  In 2001, I began studying with Tias Little.  I am a senior teacher with Tias Little's Prajna Yoga, and was the first student to receive 500 hour certification from him.  I have assisted Tias at his workshops and teacher trainings since 2005.  In 2002, I became director of One Tree Yoga in Omaha, where I led annual yoga teacher training programs beginning in 2004.  I completed the Insight Yoga Institute's 500 hour training with Sarah Powers in 2013, and have mentored students in her Insight Yoga Institute teacher trainings.  Since relocating to New England in 2011, I have trained with Patricia Walden and Peentz Dubble.  In addition, I have attended thousands of hours of training with numerous internationally renowned teachers, including Eric Schiffman, Baron Baptiste, Shiva Rea, Aadil Palkhivala, Richard Freeman, David Life, Anna Forrest, Sharon Gannon, Leslie Kaminoff, John Friend, Desiree Rumbaugh, Dharma Mittra, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa.  I am currently studying with Amy Matthews, co-author of Yoga Anatomy, as a graduate of the School of Body-Mind Centering's®  Somatic Movement Educator program and the Infant Developmental Movement Educator program.  Amy and I are co-owners of Sonder Movement Project, offering BMC® courses in New England.

​In both my teaching and practice of movement and stillness, I believe in doing what works for each person while recognizing that all approaches which cultivate self inquiry and wisdom are worthy of respect.  No one method is the only way for everyone: the narrow vision of fundamentalism only serves to strengthen the illusion of separation.  In all aspects of my life, I make a sincere effort to practice what I preach, to learn from my mistakes, and to recognize that the study of Self is the work of an entire lifetime.  


Offering classes & events in New England and around.

Tel: 402-707-3407

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